Coming Soon:
One-Woman Show
Song of Belonging

Dedicated in memory of my mom,
Marcha L. Cave
July 15, 1944 - October 13, 2024

For some time, it has been a dream of mine to create a solo one-person show. I love composing and performing music, as well as telling stories, writing poems, and movement. Writing my own debut one-woman show was an idea that emerged a few years ago, and was recently re-ignited. It will be a show on belonging, deeply looking at my childhood and reclaiming parts of myself I gave away, while also exploring adoption from different points of view such as my adoptive mother’s, birth mother’s, and Korean ancestors’.

It will be a show which dives into what it means to belong: how do our origins and narratives inform our journey? How can feelings and lessons be conveyed through music? How can we find ourselves and our own voice while honoring and listening to others’ experiences? I’m excited to share that this show will feature original live music (written by me for violin, viola, voice, drums, etc.) and weave story-telling, narrative, and movement into a living tapestry of vignettes. What does it mean to feel whole? Can we free ourselves? How can we express our voices? Does belonging have a sound, an echo, or a song?

Come hear the song of belonging…

I need your help making this project a reality.
Set to premiere Spring 2025 in Mumbai, India

Estimated Budget

Director, Lighting, Producer, Sound mixing and Sound production, Recording, Marketing, Venues, Travel, Preparation in Residence, Costumes, Instruments, Stay, Props, Rehearsal studio rentals, etc.

Target Goal: $8,000 USD

We’ve decided not to fundraise on such platforms as Kickstarter because they take up to 8% and unless total goal is reached, no funds are given. This way, artists get to keep 100% of the fundraising and we keep a more intimate relationship with our donors.

The Thank You’s — What you will get:

$100 gift - name mentioned in program / recording
$200 gift - the above + 1 sound healing track
$300 gift - the above + a personal 1:1 sound healing session
$500 gift - the above + recording of selected songs from the show
$750 gift - the above + mention as a sponsor, and VIP seating at the show

$1000 gift - the above + video recording access, an additional 1:1 sound healing session, meal after the show, shout out on social media pages, and show swag

Please consider supporting this work which is long in the making. Many of you supported my show, Home en Root in 2018. Please consider the rising costs of production, marketing, rental spaces, artists fees, and travel when you make your gift.

Infinite gratitude to all of you who have supported and encouraged me on this journey!